Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is your favorite Exercise?

I am curious as to what everyone likes to do for exercise. I have recently begun running. I don't like it. It hurts, I'm so slow, and I get bored! I do it because, one, I'm trying to run with my sister, and two, because it's healthy and a good way to lose my weight.

I have a few exercises that I like to do without my kids. I really like to play basketball. We were playing basketball last January, and I really enjoyed it. I miss it. I also like to go walking with my friends. We have a path here that is pretty long and has lots of hills, so it's a great workout!

It's hard finding the way to do exercising with your kids, but it's good for you and your kids. One, it gets your kids seeing that exercising is important and good for you. Two, it teaches kids that it can be fun. Three, it lets you have time with your kids doing something you can both enjoy. I like to use Cartr (my 16 lb 11 month old) as my weights. I lay on the floor and lift him up and down. He LOVES it! It makes us both laugh as I try not to get drool on my face. I also enjoy taking the kids running with me. I let them play on the football field while I run the track. When I go walking with friends, we usually take our kids along with us.  I  believe that involving your children will help them understand the importance of exercise.

I would love to know what your favorite exercises are! Please drop me a note!


  1. I was running but realized how hard it was on my body so now I have a walking buddy and we go 3 miles every morning at 6. It is nice to just do a fast paced walk. I also like to do the Jillian Micheals workouts. My kids also love them and try to do them right along side of me. Good luck!!

  2. Well a form that you and I both did A LOT as kids was hiking! Nothing better than that!

  3. i Love walking with friends while the kids play!! way fun! I also love Yoga! i'm not as flexible as i used to be, so it helps stretch those muscles that don't get used much! :)

    **your 11 month old only weighs 16 pounds?!?!! i take my 4 month old in next week, i bet he weighs about that right now!! lol he's a chubby one! :) Love it!

  4. I LOVE Zumba! My gym offers it twice a week. I try to attend as much as I can. If I can't then I run on the treadmill... boring!
