Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teaching by doing

Our church put on a 5k and Fun Run this last Saturday. I had decided to do the one mile fun run and to take the kids along with me. We were all pretty excited to be doing this. I was excited for the chance to do something physically fit with them, and they were excited to be in something.
So we showed up an hour early to the race so we could make sure we got our numbers and were ready to go.
Us as we were waiting for the parade to start (Cartr wouldn't sit still long enough to be in a picture with us)!
We started the race and tried to keep up with the crowd, but I knew it wouldn't last long. We followed the path and I saw a sign for the Mile and thought we were supposed to keep going after that. Brejden had gone off with a friend and was way ahead of us. Mily and I kept taking turns pushing Cartr in his umbrella stroller. We are weaving in and out of houses and I am totally lost as to where the church was, and where we were....
Mily was getting tired, it was getting hot, and I kept thinking that this was the world's longest mile. I ended up putting Mily on my back for a little bit, while I tried to push Cartr. Then we moved her to my shoulders because it wasn't comfortable for her on my back. So here I am, lost, walking in the hot sun (it was about 90 degrees outside by this time..I think) and we are walking. I had people passing me that were doing the 10k and telling me I was the winner.
We finally catch up to some friends and Brejden and they tell me that I was supposed to turn around at the one mile sign, and that I had continued on to the 5k or more.
We finally made it back to the church, hot, sweaty, and tired.
It was fun teaching my children the importance of exercise. I feel the best way to teach, is by doing. I'm proud of my kids, they did awesome! Cartr even got out of the stroller and ran for a bit.
As you can see, my face is VERY red! My kids are definitely mine with their red faces!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My new workout buddies!

My trainer used these in one of my sessions with her, and I became in love with them!
There are so many uses for them. They "ski" across the floor. It is a great core workout! I do lunges with them, or push ups with them either under my feet or hands.
I did pay quite a bit of money for them, but couldn't find a cheaper substitute. My trainer said you could use paper plates for them, but they don't slide as well and they wear out.
 Today and did lunges with 5lb weights in my hands and did arm workouts while in the middle of my lunge. So I worked out my butt, arms and abs!
 Just thought I'd share with you all!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Made my day

Today while I was working out on my routine, I had two older ladies stop me and tell me how proud they were of me. They were impressed by how hard I have been working (I see them most days at the gym) and they could really see progress. They asked me how much I had lost and told me they could see it through my face and neck most.
 I have to say, I was having a rough time this week getting back into working out and having the drive, and they really helped me. I did up my exertion and felt good.
 I know I have lost, because my clothes are starting to fit differently, I got my measurements, and I can go down the slide at the playground without getting my butt/hips stuck. I have also noticed how much easier it is doing my routines at the gym. I feel stronger and more attractive. I can't wait to go to the gym tomorrow!