Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Highs and Lows

So yesterday, as I was getting ready to attend church services, I tried on a skirt that I haven't been able to wear in about 4 years.... it fit! I was so excited to be able to wear it and know that I am making my goal for a skinnier me. I was feeling at one of my highest points!
 Last night I went to sit down on a chair downstairs. As I leaned back to put my foot under me, the wood splintered and snapped and I ended up stuck between the wall and the chair. My wonderful husband decided to take pictures and laugh instead of helping me get out of the situation. I was feeling pretty low. I had to remind myself that the chair is older then most people to make me not feel like a fat cow. I hate the lows!
 I hope things are going good for you! Please tell me your story so I can share!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I love Summer... I love dried apricots!

 Some of my most fond memories of summer growing up, where spending time with my Grandpa McArthur (my Mom's Dad). He and my grandma spent quite a bit of time with us during the summer and put us to good use! We were cheap child labor (free) and we thought it was great while we did it, thinking we were just getting to spend time with our grandparents. My Grandpa had all kinds of fruit trees in his yard, and we were lucky enough to get to help him pick them all... buckets full! My Grandpa was one for believing that if you wasted anything you got called a "wasty beach um". We kept all of the fruit and got to help him dry it. My Grandpa had the old fashioned way of drying fruit... we stuck them on crates with chicken wire and put them on the roof of his house. In St. George, it didn't take too long to have them dry, we just had to make sure it wasn't going to storm! My family has always enjoyed dried fruit, except when you make the mistake of eating too much and getting the fun stomach ache with it. I thought I'd look up what health benefits they had, I got this from http://www.ionehealth.com/:

Apparently dried apricots are better for you then fresh, because the water drains out, but keeps all of the nutrients in the apricot. Therefore, you get more nutrients in less.
  1. Treat Constipation — Apricots can act as gentle laxative due to its cellulose and pectin content. Hence, if you suffer from chronic constipation, consume 6 to 8 apricots per day should help improve your condition.
  2. Ease Indigestion — As they produce an alkaline reaction on the body system, they can help you to digest better if you take some before meal. Just make sure you don't take too much so as not to disturb your proper meal consumption.
  3. Good for Anemia — Anemia is a condition whereby the blood has a lower-than-normal concentration of red blood cells (RBCs) or the RBCs have a below average amount of hemoglobin. This condition is most commonly caused by iron deficiency. Since dried apricots contain high content of iron, they're usually included in the treatment of Anemia.
  4. Fight Fevers — Apricot juice with glucose or honey can help cool your body during fever. It can also quench your thirst, eliminate the waste products from your body, tone up your eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals.
  5. Treat Skin Diseases — You can use apricot leaves to treat scabies, eczema, sunburn and itching of your skin due to cold exposure.
  6. Avoid Fat Deposits — As apricots are low in calories and fats, you can purée canned apricots in a blender until smooth and use it as substitute for oil, prunes or applesauce in high-calorie, high-fat recipes.
So good reasons to eat dried apricots!! Do you like them?

Monday, August 22, 2011


My husband LOVES radishes! He will eat one full bunch (about 10 radishes to a bunch) a day. He likes them hot and spicy. He eats them while he drives his truck. He tries really hard to take healthy snacks and food with him since he sits in a truck all day (he is a truck driver).
 I do not like radishes. When I was pregnant with my last child, we had our own garden and Zorn grew three huge rows of radishes. One day we sat down to eat tuna fish sandwiches for lunch and I found myself craving radishes. I was so grossed out, but couldn't help myself! I ate quite a few of the radishes and with each bite I was trying not to gag! It satisfied my craving and I continued with this craving the rest of my pregnancy. I now find myself craving radishes when I eat tuna fish sandwiches! Dang pregnancy.
 Here is a little information I found out about radishes:
  • They help lower cholesterol.
  • They are High in potassium, so they help with blood pressure.
  • They are a natural stimulant for bile production.
  • They help prevent cancer. (which is good for my family)
Do you like radishes?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bad Post

I have a very good posting idea, but because of my migraine, I cannot get it to swing together today. I will try to get my mind to think as one, not the 50 it has been trying to do. Thanks! Sorry! I hope you're doing well!

Monday, August 15, 2011


I do not like raisens! They are some of my kids' favorite snacks. I don't like the texture or the flavor, so there really isn't a lot to for me to like about them! I guess it's good that my kids love to sit and eat them plain or put them in their food. So, here are the nutritious facts about raisens.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Running at night

As I was in bed last night and couldn't sleep, I decided to get up and go running. It was well after 9:30 and just figured I'd probably only make it a mile since I hadn't been running in quite a few months. I decided to just keep running until I was tired. I made it 2.6 miles! My furthest yet! It was such a great run! I hurt so bad today, but it's a good hurt. My biggest mistake was not letting my sleeping husband know that I had gone. Safety reason, not a good idea. I should have known better for my safety. But it was a very nice run and wasn't too hot that late.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Body Movement

I feel as if I have dropped off of the cyber world planet. Apologies. As I have gotten larger and more stiff throughout my pregnancy, I have realized what makes a difference in how I feel each day - stretching. Getting up and moving my joints by head movement, arm circles, hip motions, and leg swings I am able to take on the day with confidence. I know I will be able to move and that is a great reward!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The benefits of apples

Since my children both love apples. I thought I'd do my posting on them. I am not the biggest fan of apples, it's mostly the peel. My Grandma McArthur used to spoil me and peel and slice all of my apples for me. She truly spoiled this little girl. I will occasionally eat apples, but I am always taken back to childhood and my fond memories of my Grandma.
I got this from http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-apples.html
We're told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what exactly are the health benefits of apples? Here are ten reasons to heed the advice of that old proverb.
Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.

Asthma Help
One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.

Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.

Lung Cancer Prevention
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.

Breast Cancer Prevention
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.

Colon Cancer Prevention
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Liver Cancer Prevention
Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.

Diabetes Management
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.

Weight Loss
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.

And a whole apple only has 95 calories!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My family is doing the post today!

Mily's favorite healthy snack: Apples

Brejden's favorite healthy snack: Bananas and Apples

Cartr's favorite healthy snack: Cheese

Zorn's favorite healthy snack: Any fruit or veggie

What are your kids' favorite healthy snack?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Grocery Shopping

 I do not like to grocery shop! With three kids, it can be such a daunting task, but one that has to be done. I have heard that grocery shopping while hungry is not only bad for you, but for your wallet as well. I have seen a few articles that have said to never go grocery shopping while hungry because you buy foods higher in fat and calories. But, going on a full stomach can be bad too. I feel like I leave the grocery store with nothing to make or eat. I try to make my menus ahead of time so that I use items I already have, and so that I buy with a purpose. I find that I buy healthier items when I have my menu finished and am ready for the next two weeks.
 Do you feel you shop healthier when you're not hungry?
But, grocery shopping burns 191 calories per hour (I think pushing a cart with 3 kids in it should burn more!)