Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to prevent side aches while running

I really liked this article I found while researching side aches while running. I got it from http://www.military.com/

How to Avoid Stomach Cramps When Running

by Stew Smith
A Marine asked about running during the USMC three mile run.
Here is his question:
"Every time I run hard to get a good score on the three 3 mile PFT, or when IÂ’m training for the test, I get a stomach cramp or side stitch about half way in the three mile timed run. My question is - what can I do to prevent it and what can I do to stop the pain or lessen it?"
Running with stomach cramps is never fun, but there are ways to lessen or work through the pain - or even prevent the cramps altogether.
First, it is still a big mystery to many physiologists and doctors as to what is the real cause of stomach cramps. The experts have theorized that the common side stitch is caused by the exertion that running and bouncing forces inside the abdominal walls. Basically, your stomach and other organs - like the spleen and liver - bump into each other as your feet jar the ground causing connective tissue to stretch on the nerves and cause pain. This connective tissue is also attached to your diaphragm which helps with breathing. This pain is usually on the right side and just under the ribs. Exercise like horseback riding, running, and sit-ups are common causes of the side stitch.
Ways to Prevent or Lessen the Pain of the Common Side Stitch:
1) Do not Run on a Full Stomach
You shouldn't drink large amounts of water or eat 2-4 hours before exercise. Sip small amounts (1-2 swallows) before and during exercise and wait to fully re-hydrate until after the workout. Dehydration can cause cramping as well, so do not ignore water/Gatorade during running. Always sip a few swallows at regular intervals if running for more than 30 minutes and in hot temperatures.
2) Decrease Pace and Breath Deeply
Decrease fast pace for a few minutes and continue deep breathing techniques during running. A common running sequence is a three step inhale and two step exhale pattern. Slowing down your pace will allow for you to keep up with that pattern. As you increase to near maximum speed, your breathing will become more labored. However, you can push through the pain and keep your pace if you concentrate on breathing deep by pushing your stomach out when you inhale and relaxing it as you exhale. 
3) Pre-Stretch With Side Torso Twists
Pre-stretch before running by doing side torso twists. One of the best ways to pre-stretch the area is to lift your arms over your head and lean to the left and right at the waist.
4) Perform Lower Back and Abdominal Exercises
Do more lower back and abdominal exercises - see "Achieve Washboard Abs" for more ideas. Having a strong core will help you prevent the side stitch.
I hope these ideas can help you during your timed runs and training for faster paced running.
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. If you are interested in starting a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle - check out the Military.com Fitness eBook store and the Stew Smith article archive at Military.com. To contact Stew with your comments and questions, e-mail him at stew@stewsmith.com

Monday, September 26, 2011


Jordanne and Andy
My little sister, Jordanne, is getting married next week. (I should probably say younger since she is taller then me now!) She is going to marry Andy, who is an awesome guy! So in preparing for her wedding, I have had to lose some serious weight! My sister Jessica and I have really started to compete with losing the weight for all the wedding photos that we are going to be in. We have gone about it different ways, she has been getting up and running consistently, while I have had my stomach issues and been running sporadically.
But all in all, all that matters when it comes to Jordanne's big day, is that we both feel good about what we have accomplished. We have both lost quite a bit of weight as well as inches and pant sizes. We can both run farther now then last year at this time! She is up to running 2 miles and I am up to 3.5 miles. We are eating better and living healthier lives. And most importantly, we couldn't be more excited about our sister getting married to such a great guy!
(Don't worry, I'll post pictures from the wedding!)
All of us girls (and my Dad) at Jillian's graduation in May

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Hero

My Dad is my hero. He has been through so much, I can't even go into detail of his life. One thing he has show us, is the love of running (I'm still not feeling the love, but we're getting there). I love him so much, I would do anything for him! Here is a little about him:

 How did you get into running?
 I was fat.  (Direct quote)

How many times have you run the St. George marathon?
2. The third time he hurt his foot during it and knew he couldn't finish it.

What is your most interesting race?
The Inaugural San Diego Rockin R Race. There were 21,0000 runners and not enough enough port a potties. It ran through some cool parts of San Diego!

My Dad is my go-to guy for running questions. He works hard and plays hard. He loves his Grand kids and boating. He sat with my Mom while she died. He is full of wisdom and crap. He loves to make people laugh and will spare no expense to do so! My kids love him so much (especially Mily, his only Granddaughter)! Today is actually his birthday! I hope you got a chance to get to know him too!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Newer picture of me

I will post of picture of me in my slimmer form... My sister is getting married October 7, so we will have some professionalish ones taken, but for now, I'll let you see the difference.

So I guess you're going to have to wait for the professional pictures. I am the one behind the camera and refuse to have my picture taken, so you'll have to wait and see the results! Sorry. I searched my computer, but they only ones I have a from the neck up!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mind prep

When you run, what do you think about? I asked my sister and my Dad and got some good responses.
When I run, I use it as a time to clear my mind and not think about the day that is coming. I like to just listen to music and people watch. If I think about the coming day, I struggle with the run and I get very cranky!
 When Jessica runs, she uses the time to think about the day. She plans out what all she needs to do and she gets ideas for her blog. She feels her run goes faster when she's thinking about something, or she spends her time thinking "I hate running. I hate running."!
 I asked my Dad and he said it depends on the day of what he thinks about while running. He said if he has a problem, he thinks about that as he runs. When my Mom passed away, my Dad came up with a poem while running (he had never written a poem in his life!).
 What do you think about when you run?

Monday, September 12, 2011

My own recipe!

This is my favorite recipe! I made it up one day when I had some extra veggies and wasn't sure exactly what to do with them.
2 c. chopped yellow squash
2 c. chopped zucchini
1/2 purple onion diced
2 cans diced tomatoes
Italian seasonings
2 tbs olive oil
1 serving linguine (you can use whole wheat pasta)

 Prepare pasta as directed. In a 2 quart sauce pan, add oil and saute onion, yellow squash and zucchini. Add the two cans of diced tomatoes and let simmer with Italian seasonings until veggies are as done as you like. Serve over pasta with Parmesan cheese.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I liked this from www.caloriecount.com

How the Pros Drop a Few Pounds Fast

By ismile67 on Sep 05, 2011 06:00 PM in Tips & Updates
Health.com Long to lose weight this week?  Here, nutrition experts divulge their tricks.

Make veggies the star

"I make sure my plate contains up to 2 cups of fruits and veggies as the 'main course,' with 1/2 cup of wholesome carbs like wild rice, and 3 ounces of lean protein like chicken or steak.

Making produce the focal point means you can eat more, stay full, and easily cut up to 700 calories from your day.' —Marissa Lippert, RD, author of The Cheater’s Diet
Shake it up
"I whip up a 300-calorie smoothie. Drinking one in place of a restaurant meal can save up to 500 calories. I combine 2 cups of almond milk, 1 tablespoon of protein powder, 1 chopped apple, 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, and a few ice cubes." —Sharon Richter, RD, a healthy-eating expert in New York City, NY

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate"Chugging 8 to 12 cups of water a day is one of the most important keys to weight loss, since you hold onto water weight when dehydrated." —Connie Guttersen, RD, author of The New Sonoma

Thursday, September 1, 2011

To Gym or Not to Gym...

So I'm in the huge debate of whether or not to get a gym membership. On one hand, I don't want to pay to work out, on the other, I need a babysitter so I can work out.
 Once upon a time ago, bk (before kids), I used to attend the gym with a friend, Emilee, about 4 to 5 times a week. We would meet at the gym right after work and workout for an hour or so before heading home. Unfortunately, when I had my baby and decided to become a stay at home mom, I had to decide to drop my membership. I love going to the gym and working out. When we moved to Beaver, the only gym they had was the High School gym and you could only go on certain days at certain times.
 I was discussing this with my husband last night and would really like to get a membership at a place that has babysitting. Zorn's schedule isn't one that I can make plans with people, because there's always the chance he'll run late or other problems will occur.
 What do you think? Gym membership, or suck it up and keep running when it's 6 am and 94 degrees outside?