Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I absolutely love asparagus! When we moved into our house in Henderson, we were doing yard work and thought we came across more weeds, but realized (luckily before we pulled any out) that it was asparagus! So excited!
I usually just boil it and put salt on it. I also like to put it on a cookie sheet, put some olive oil on it and bake it until it's soft. I didn't know what great nutrition it had too!
Asparagus is a springtime vegetable that is versatile and uniquely delicious. Buying it this time of year is best as it is fresh and particularly nutritious, since it is in season. Studies show that asparagus balances insulin levels, which means that it powerfully prevents diabetes. Ensuring that our insulin levels are stable is one of the most important things we can do for our health. It allows us to live long and feel good. Its unique mineral profile makes it an effective natural diuretic. Natural diuretics promote the formation of urine in the kidneys, aiding in detoxification and cleansing.

Asparagus is also a powerful aphrodisiac and one of the best foods to increase libido. Just check out its shape.

Asparagus is also one of the only vegetables to contain inulin, which feeds friendly bacteria that live in the large intestine. This makes it a great food for preventing yeast overgrowth, and it generally keeps the digestive system and belly well.

Asparagus contains loads of folate. Among other health benefits, folate is essential for pre conception and the early stages of pregnancy. Asparagus' high level of this mineral means that is can reduce the risk of birth defects and helps the nervous system develop beautifully.

Here are some other benefits that make asparagus one of the best super foods on the planet.

* Great for your heart

* Asparagus fights depression and puts you in a good mood

* Gets rid of warts by eating one of the best super foods on the planet!

* Asparagus lowers cholesterol

* Stimulates milk production in nursing mothers

* It is a potent antioxidant

* Is antifungal and antiviral

* Your kidneys will love asparagus... it helps cleanse the body and prevent kidney stones

* Asparagus prevents bladder and urinary tract infections

* Helps with treating HIV

* Helps prevent multiple sclerosis

* Asparagus contains anti cancer properties and is especially powerful in preventing lung cancer

* Is energizing and fights chronic fatigue syndrome

* Asparagus will lower blood pressure naturally

* Asparagus is top of the list of alkaline foods

* Asparagus stimulates hair production and is one of the best super foods for balding.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/023368_asparagus_food_foods.html#ixzz1PSX4hURS

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