Where did I go?
Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I read an article about how you have to believe in yourself to lose the weight and it really hit me. How many times do we say "I'm going to lose weight!" and then give up half way through the process?! I don't know how many times I've done it, but I know it's too many. I've been really surprised at how this blog has really helped me keep going and to believe in myself. It's hard to put out there what my measurements are and how I'm struggling to keep up with running and calorie counting, but it really has helped me. Whenever I see Malea's posts, I think, "Crap, look how good she is!" and that gets me a little more motivated to not eat all the Christmas junk on my kitchen counter. I need to believe in myself and believe that I can get thin again. I hope you all believe in yourselves and that this blog may help motivate you to keep going!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Potato Chips are Too Expensive!
That is right. Not only monetarily for a thriving college family, but in the calorie department. I have tried to prove the slogan "Bet you can't just eat one." This is a goal I have been working on for years. I eat one, two, three, and then have a hard time stopping myself. I literally have to close the bag and walk away.
I have now requested my husband to not ask me if I want any, to hide any remaining chips in the bag, and to cheer me on to work out even harder if I indulge. Gulp. Potato chips are too expensive! Especially the sour cream and onion flavored. . .
I have now requested my husband to not ask me if I want any, to hide any remaining chips in the bag, and to cheer me on to work out even harder if I indulge. Gulp. Potato chips are too expensive! Especially the sour cream and onion flavored. . .
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Holiday Pounds
I feel the urge to eat and make treats. I cannot justify the calories, even if they are brownies with spinach masked inside of them. That actually works quite well. Not that I am, okay, maybe I am asking you to try it. Gees! I say no then yes. . . isn't it the season for such thoughts? I am coaxing my hubby into telling me not to make a dessert whenever I want to make a delectable treat, since it is basically every night that I want to make or eat something sweet.
I believe that I have been trained throughout my life to feel as if I 'deserve' a dessert after eating something healthy. Think about it, at public school you almost always get a treat with your lunch. It is expected after dinner. It is a 'given' in most instances. Especially during the holidays. My hubby has helped me out immensely. We are not making cinnamon rolls, chocolates, cookies, cakes, and bars like I anticipate making each holiday season. Phew! What a relief to my caloric intake.
I believe that I have been trained throughout my life to feel as if I 'deserve' a dessert after eating something healthy. Think about it, at public school you almost always get a treat with your lunch. It is expected after dinner. It is a 'given' in most instances. Especially during the holidays. My hubby has helped me out immensely. We are not making cinnamon rolls, chocolates, cookies, cakes, and bars like I anticipate making each holiday season. Phew! What a relief to my caloric intake.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Running Safety Tips
I decided to look into safety tips while running since my last post. I thought these were interesting, some that I need to start following! Safe Running!!
1 - DON'T WEAR HEADSETS. Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings. Using headphones, you lose the use of an important sense: your hearing.
2 - Always stay alert and aware of what's going on around you.
3 - Carry a cell phone or change for a phone call.
4 - Trust your intuition about a person or an area.
5 - Alter or vary your running route pattern;
6 - Run with a partner.
7 - Write down or leave word of the direction of your run.
8 - Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails.
9 - Carry identification or write your name, phone number, and blood type on the inside sole of your running shoe.
10 - Ignore verbal harassment.
11 - Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles.
12 - Wear reflective material if you must run before dawn or after dark.
13 - Practice memorizing license tags or identifying characteristics of strangers.
14 - Carry a noisemaker and/or OC (pepper) spray.
I got this from this website:
http://www.syracusechargers.org/info/safety.html if something happens to you or someone else, or you notice anyone out of the ordinary. It is important to report incidents immediately. Get training in self-defense and the use of pepper spray. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving.Include any medical information. Don't wear jewelry.Especially avoid unlit areas, especially at night. Run clear of parked cars or bushes.Tell friends and family of your favorite running routes. Run with a dog. run in familiar areas if possible. In unfamiliar areas, such as while traveling, contact a local RRCA club or running store. Know where open businesses or stores are located. React on your intuition and avoid a person or situation if you're unsure. If something tells you a situation is not "right", it isn't.Know the locations of call boxes and telephones along your regular route. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.
1 - DON'T WEAR HEADSETS. Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings. Using headphones, you lose the use of an important sense: your hearing.
2 - Always stay alert and aware of what's going on around you.
3 - Carry a cell phone or change for a phone call.
4 - Trust your intuition about a person or an area.
5 - Alter or vary your running route pattern;
6 - Run with a partner.
7 - Write down or leave word of the direction of your run.
8 - Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails.
9 - Carry identification or write your name, phone number, and blood type on the inside sole of your running shoe.
10 - Ignore verbal harassment.
11 - Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles.
12 - Wear reflective material if you must run before dawn or after dark.
13 - Practice memorizing license tags or identifying characteristics of strangers.
14 - Carry a noisemaker and/or OC (pepper) spray.
I got this from this website:
http://www.syracusechargers.org/info/safety.html if something happens to you or someone else, or you notice anyone out of the ordinary. It is important to report incidents immediately. Get training in self-defense and the use of pepper spray. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving.Include any medical information. Don't wear jewelry.Especially avoid unlit areas, especially at night. Run clear of parked cars or bushes.Tell friends and family of your favorite running routes. Run with a dog. run in familiar areas if possible. In unfamiliar areas, such as while traveling, contact a local RRCA club or running store. Know where open businesses or stores are located. React on your intuition and avoid a person or situation if you're unsure. If something tells you a situation is not "right", it isn't.Know the locations of call boxes and telephones along your regular route. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Chase and safety
As I was being chased by two dogs, at different times, while on my morning run this morning. The thought came into my head. What do I do if I get bit? I'm a bit dramatic when it comes to scenarios in my head. But my thought was. Safety. What ifs kept popping into my head. Do you carry any protection?
One of my friends suggested running with a stick, another, a can of mace. Do you think about what can happen while you are out running? I know there are a lot of assaults that happen to women running alone. Do you run with someone?
I run alone, but my husband knows where I'm going to run, and I only run on well lit roads. I am FREAKED of getting raped, so I'm very cautious when it comes to where I run. I don't run with any weapons, I'm afraid, but what is okay to carry? I would like to know what you do for safety?
One of my friends suggested running with a stick, another, a can of mace. Do you think about what can happen while you are out running? I know there are a lot of assaults that happen to women running alone. Do you run with someone?
I run alone, but my husband knows where I'm going to run, and I only run on well lit roads. I am FREAKED of getting raped, so I'm very cautious when it comes to where I run. I don't run with any weapons, I'm afraid, but what is okay to carry? I would like to know what you do for safety?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
I was listening to this audio book and I found this information from the National Weight Control Registry to be interesting.
- We have also started to learn about how the weight loss was accomplished: 45% of registry participants lost the weight on their own and the other 55% lost weight with the help of some type of program.
- 98% of Registry participants report that they modified their food intake in some way to lose weight.
- 94% increased their physical activity, with the most frequently reported form of activity being walking.
- There is variety in how NWCR members keep the weight off. Most report continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet and doing high levels of activity.
- 78% eat breakfast every day.
- 75% weigh themselves at least once a week.
- 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week.
- 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.
Could you place yourself in these same percentages? Which of these methods are you currently involved in undertaking?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Feeling better about myself.
I have been struggling to feel better about myself. Even with as many inches as I've lost, I still compare myself to how I used to be and how others look. It's hard to feel pretty and attractive, especially to my husband. I am trying to focus on one thing I do like about my body. There are so many times that I stand in front of the mirror and just cut myself down. It's such an easy thing to do, at any age. I always envy those women that lose their weight and never seem to have any problems with being heavy. It's hard to be the heavy one in the crowd.
So my challenge for this week: Pick one thing you that you like about yourself each day. Try to focus on what's good about you, instead of what needs to be changed. Good luck!!
So my challenge for this week: Pick one thing you that you like about yourself each day. Try to focus on what's good about you, instead of what needs to be changed. Good luck!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cold Weather Slump...
I have been in a cold weather working out slump!! I can't get myself to run outside when it hurts to breath because it's so cold. My only problem is, I don't have a treadmill or anything like that. I need to do my Windsor Pilate's DVDs, but I get bored with the repetition.
What do you like to do for working out when it's cold outside? I need some ideas, majorly!!!
What do you like to do for working out when it's cold outside? I need some ideas, majorly!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
That is the hardest part about feeling fat, I do not feel beautiful.
This picture made me laugh. I love it.
This picture made me laugh. I love it.
Now, I have a picture of a unicorn taped by my stationary bike to remind me that I am working hard, like this rhino, to be as beautiful as a unicorn.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Tummy Time
I have made a decision without consulting Jocee (sorry). As my measurements are not accurate and merely guesswork each month; I have decided to only focus on my tummy region. I will take special care to make sure my measurements are accurate since the tummy is my focal point for weight loss. If I lose there, I will be losing in all of the other regions of my body. Win, win!
Here is my count.
October - 40
November - 39.5
December - 38
:) Still a tummy, but with more time, no more tummy, right?
Here is my count.
October - 40
November - 39.5
December - 38
:) Still a tummy, but with more time, no more tummy, right?
New Month = New Measurements!!
I gave myself an extra week to lose some weight. Not sure if it was a good idea or not. Well, I haven't been as diligent this month, I've been sick and it's been hard for me to have the energy to work out.
So Total I've lost is 6 inches. Which isn't too bad, but I was hoping for better results. I'd better get my butt back in gear and running!! I was pretty sad to see that I'd gained in some places. I know I'm fitting into things better, but it still is frustrating to see it coming back. Well, that's why I keep track. Here's to this week!!!
12/7/10 | 11/1/10 | 10/4/10 | Total | |
Neck | 12.75 | 13 | 13.25 | .5 |
Chest | 39.5 | 40 | 40 | .5 |
Right Arm | 13 | 12.5 | 13 | 0 |
Left Arm | 12.75 | 12.5 | 13 | .25 |
Waist | 45.5 | 45.24 | 46 | .5 |
Hips | 44 | 43 | 43.5 | -.5 |
Right Thigh | 22.25 | 22.75 | 24 | 2.75 |
Left Thigh | 22 | 22.75 | 24 | 2 |
Right Calf | 14.5 | 14.75 | 15 | .5 |
Left Calf | 14.5 | 14.75 | 15 | .5 |
So Total I've lost is 6 inches. Which isn't too bad, but I was hoping for better results. I'd better get my butt back in gear and running!! I was pretty sad to see that I'd gained in some places. I know I'm fitting into things better, but it still is frustrating to see it coming back. Well, that's why I keep track. Here's to this week!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Giving Thanks
It was such a joy to jog with Jocee and my sisters over the Thanksgiving holiday. On the trip, I was given an exercise ball and some ball weights. My hubby and I have been amazed by the workout we get with these seemingly simple ball exercises. Crunches are easier to do, yet are felt more rapidly. Push ups are a joke, but it is incredible to accomplish a few. The balance training, I couldn't think of a better method. I am grateful that only my husband sees me attempt to balance, but over time I know I will improve dramatically with a body to prove it. Who wouldn't want that?
Also, I saw a photo of me on a family member's blog and I am was aghast. I suppose I finally saw myself as my chunky self. It was a true wake up call for me to work out harder to lose the chunk. So, if you need further motivation, have a family member take a photo of you and post it on their blog. I certainly worked for me. :)
Also, I saw a photo of me on a family member's blog and I am was aghast. I suppose I finally saw myself as my chunky self. It was a true wake up call for me to work out harder to lose the chunk. So, if you need further motivation, have a family member take a photo of you and post it on their blog. I certainly worked for me. :)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Such a crazy weekend!
I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! I was proud of myself for not eating too much (of course it helps when you don't like most of the food served!) I had such a fun time with all my family!
On Saturday morning, I had the chance to go running with Malea (the other blogger) and two of her sisters, my cousins! We had such a fun time, well, at least I did! We did 2 1/2 miles, it was by far my longest run, but most enjoyable. I was laughing when I showed up in shorts and a t-shirt, and they were in pants and hoodies. (In their defense, it was 9 degrees outside when I had left Beaver on Thursday morning! I figured no snow, no pants!) It was such a good run and it really kicked my butt. I hadn't been running in two, almost three weeks! Thank you so much girls!
My best news... I fit into my size 9 pants!!! I have a favorite pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in about 3 years. Yesterday, I decided to brave it and try them on, just to see how much further I had to go to get them on. I was completely surprised and ecstatic when I got them on, and done up! I was so excited, I called my sisters to tell them!! I'm such a dork, but it was quite an exciting thing for me. I'm seeing some progress. They don't look great, but they fit and I could wear them to our friend's house for dinner last night. So funny how little things can just make our day!
On Saturday morning, I had the chance to go running with Malea (the other blogger) and two of her sisters, my cousins! We had such a fun time, well, at least I did! We did 2 1/2 miles, it was by far my longest run, but most enjoyable. I was laughing when I showed up in shorts and a t-shirt, and they were in pants and hoodies. (In their defense, it was 9 degrees outside when I had left Beaver on Thursday morning! I figured no snow, no pants!) It was such a good run and it really kicked my butt. I hadn't been running in two, almost three weeks! Thank you so much girls!
My best news... I fit into my size 9 pants!!! I have a favorite pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in about 3 years. Yesterday, I decided to brave it and try them on, just to see how much further I had to go to get them on. I was completely surprised and ecstatic when I got them on, and done up! I was so excited, I called my sisters to tell them!! I'm such a dork, but it was quite an exciting thing for me. I'm seeing some progress. They don't look great, but they fit and I could wear them to our friend's house for dinner last night. So funny how little things can just make our day!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Week!
So starts the week that I've personally been dreading! I do not know how to stop eating! I LOVE food! I LOVE ham (I do NOT like Turkey), mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and pie. My mouth is watering at the sounds of these foods! Oh, I do dread this Holiday. So my goal this Thursday is to stop eating when I'm feeling full. I will not keep eating. It's going to be so hard, but I've got to do it. Also, I will be spending the holiday in sunny St. George, so I'm going to try and go running while I'm there. It's so hard to exercise when you're surrounded by family, the last thing you want to do is leave them to go workout. I may even make my sisters go with me so I have workout buddies!
I hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving! I will not be posting Thursday since I will be away and it's a Holiday!
I hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving! I will not be posting Thursday since I will be away and it's a Holiday!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lettuce Wraps
I need some healthy foods to feed my family. I make a menu every week, and follow it pretty close. I just struggle coming up with things to make. So, I will give you my version of Lettuce Wraps that I have made up! These are soooo good, even my kids like them!
1 Head of Iceberg lettuce (you have to use these to wrap around your food)
3 Chicken Breasts
1 Large Green Bell Pepper
1 Large Red Bell Pepper
1 Large Onion
1 bottle of Mandarin Sauce from Panda Express
Enough White rice to feed your family
I like to slice the chicken and veggies into thin strips like you would for fajitas. Then, brown your chicken. Add the veggies to browned chicken and add just enough of the mandarin sauce that it coats it. Let simmer until veggies are tender.
Now, wash your lettuce. Put rice on first, then pile on the veggies and chicken. Add just a bit of the sauce. Roll up and Eat. The kids like this because they like to play with their food anyway!
This is just one dish that I really like and like to make. It's very simple. The longest it takes is however long it takes to get your rice cooked, so about 30 minutes. Enjoy!
1 Head of Iceberg lettuce (you have to use these to wrap around your food)
3 Chicken Breasts
1 Large Green Bell Pepper
1 Large Red Bell Pepper
1 Large Onion
1 bottle of Mandarin Sauce from Panda Express
Enough White rice to feed your family
I like to slice the chicken and veggies into thin strips like you would for fajitas. Then, brown your chicken. Add the veggies to browned chicken and add just enough of the mandarin sauce that it coats it. Let simmer until veggies are tender.
Now, wash your lettuce. Put rice on first, then pile on the veggies and chicken. Add just a bit of the sauce. Roll up and Eat. The kids like this because they like to play with their food anyway!
This is just one dish that I really like and like to make. It's very simple. The longest it takes is however long it takes to get your rice cooked, so about 30 minutes. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Jazzing it up
I have decided to change my approach to working out a tidge. I have begun to watch my heart rate as I pedal, instead of the rpms. Yes, I did have to put down the book I was reading and that was a sorrowful experience. In its place, I have begun to listen to audiobooks as I work out and I love that. Back to the heart rate. I get a better work out. I push harder during the easy level times and I burn about 20+ calories more than when I only watched the rpms. I sweat sooner. I tire sooner, but overall it makes me feel better. Feel better about all the cookie dough I can't seem to stop eating this week. I guess I better make it two workout times a day. . .
Monday, November 15, 2010
What music do you listen to while working out?
I had a request to ask you all a question (Thanks Kim for the great idea!)
Kim wanted to know what kind of music do you listen to while working out?
I have a play list on my ipod that I've labeled "Workout". So I just set it to that setting and go. It's amazing how an upbeat song can keep you running or working out! I love to run on the beat. It keeps my legs going and keeps me concentrating on the beat instead of how much I hate running!
Here are some of the artists I listen to while working out:
Dave Matthews
Josie & The Pussycats
Kelly Clarkson
Brittney Spears
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
All American Rejects
Blink 182
These are just a few of the artists. I listen to whatever catches my ear. I'm not picky when it comes to what I listen to!
Let me know what you like to listen to! I'm always looking for something new to listen to!
Kim wanted to know what kind of music do you listen to while working out?
I have a play list on my ipod that I've labeled "Workout". So I just set it to that setting and go. It's amazing how an upbeat song can keep you running or working out! I love to run on the beat. It keeps my legs going and keeps me concentrating on the beat instead of how much I hate running!
Here are some of the artists I listen to while working out:
Dave Matthews
Josie & The Pussycats
Kelly Clarkson
Brittney Spears
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
All American Rejects
Blink 182
These are just a few of the artists. I listen to whatever catches my ear. I'm not picky when it comes to what I listen to!
Let me know what you like to listen to! I'm always looking for something new to listen to!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Trying to lose weight while sick
This week I have had a nasty head cold. I HATE being sick. I can't think of anyone who likes it, come to think of it, but it royally sucks!
While I've been sick, I have really only wanted to eat one thing, and that's elk steaks. I know, it's weird, but I crave solid foods when I'm not feeling well.
What do you like to eat when you're not feeling good? Please let me know, I'm really interested in trying some new recipes while sick.
While I've been sick, I have really only wanted to eat one thing, and that's elk steaks. I know, it's weird, but I crave solid foods when I'm not feeling well.
What do you like to eat when you're not feeling good? Please let me know, I'm really interested in trying some new recipes while sick.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Here's to Calorie Counting!!
Jessica, my older sister, found this article online. It's rather interesting to see how much it's all about calories and not cutting out sugars.
If you have the time to read it, you should, but if you don't I'll summarize it for you...
This professor basically cuts his calories down, but continues to eat Twinkies and other sugars. He monitored his blood pressure and cholesterol.
It's a very interesting article and just hits my point home with this blog. It's all about calorie intake and burning more calories than you take in.
It makes me more sure of what I'm doing! We can do this!! I hope you all have a great week!
If you have the time to read it, you should, but if you don't I'll summarize it for you...
This professor basically cuts his calories down, but continues to eat Twinkies and other sugars. He monitored his blood pressure and cholesterol.
It's a very interesting article and just hits my point home with this blog. It's all about calorie intake and burning more calories than you take in.
It makes me more sure of what I'm doing! We can do this!! I hope you all have a great week!
Friday, November 5, 2010
11/5/10 Measurements 10/6/10 Measurements Total Loss:
Neck: 12.5" Neck: 12.5" 0
Chest: 39" Chest: 38.5" .5"
R Arm: 14.5" R Arm: 13.5" 1"
L Arm: 14.5" L Arm: 13.5" 1"
Waist: 37.5" Waist: 37.5" 0
Hips: 40" Hips: 39.5" .5"
R Thigh: 24" R Thigh: 23.5" .5"
L Thigh: 23" L Thigh: 23.5" +.5"
R Calf: 16" R Calf: 15" 1"
L Calf: 16" L Calf: 15" 1"
I am embarrassed. First, for my lack of strict measurements. I just whip them up, so it is not completely accurate. Second, for not doing very well. Here's to next month!
Neck: 12.5" Neck: 12.5" 0
Chest: 39" Chest: 38.5" .5"
R Arm: 14.5" R Arm: 13.5" 1"
L Arm: 14.5" L Arm: 13.5" 1"
Waist: 37.5" Waist: 37.5" 0
Hips: 40" Hips: 39.5" .5"
R Thigh: 24" R Thigh: 23.5" .5"
L Thigh: 23" L Thigh: 23.5" +.5"
R Calf: 16" R Calf: 15" 1"
L Calf: 16" L Calf: 15" 1"
I am embarrassed. First, for my lack of strict measurements. I just whip them up, so it is not completely accurate. Second, for not doing very well. Here's to next month!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What is your favorite Exercise?
I am curious as to what everyone likes to do for exercise. I have recently begun running. I don't like it. It hurts, I'm so slow, and I get bored! I do it because, one, I'm trying to run with my sister, and two, because it's healthy and a good way to lose my weight.
I have a few exercises that I like to do without my kids. I really like to play basketball. We were playing basketball last January, and I really enjoyed it. I miss it. I also like to go walking with my friends. We have a path here that is pretty long and has lots of hills, so it's a great workout!
It's hard finding the way to do exercising with your kids, but it's good for you and your kids. One, it gets your kids seeing that exercising is important and good for you. Two, it teaches kids that it can be fun. Three, it lets you have time with your kids doing something you can both enjoy. I like to use Cartr (my 16 lb 11 month old) as my weights. I lay on the floor and lift him up and down. He LOVES it! It makes us both laugh as I try not to get drool on my face. I also enjoy taking the kids running with me. I let them play on the football field while I run the track. When I go walking with friends, we usually take our kids along with us. I believe that involving your children will help them understand the importance of exercise.
I would love to know what your favorite exercises are! Please drop me a note!
I have a few exercises that I like to do without my kids. I really like to play basketball. We were playing basketball last January, and I really enjoyed it. I miss it. I also like to go walking with my friends. We have a path here that is pretty long and has lots of hills, so it's a great workout!
It's hard finding the way to do exercising with your kids, but it's good for you and your kids. One, it gets your kids seeing that exercising is important and good for you. Two, it teaches kids that it can be fun. Three, it lets you have time with your kids doing something you can both enjoy. I like to use Cartr (my 16 lb 11 month old) as my weights. I lay on the floor and lift him up and down. He LOVES it! It makes us both laugh as I try not to get drool on my face. I also enjoy taking the kids running with me. I let them play on the football field while I run the track. When I go walking with friends, we usually take our kids along with us. I believe that involving your children will help them understand the importance of exercise.
I would love to know what your favorite exercises are! Please drop me a note!
Monday, November 1, 2010
First full month of this! Measurement time...
I am really anxious/nervous about seeing my results of this first full month of exercising. I hope that I have some good results!
11/1/10 Measurements 10/4/10 Measurements Total Loss:
Neck: 13 Neck: 13 1/4 .25 inches
Chest: 40 Chest: 40 0
R Arm: 12 1/2 R Arm: 13 .5 inches
L Arm: 12 1/2 L Arm: 13 .5 inches
Waist: 45 1/4 Waist: 46 .75 inches
Hips: 43 Hips: 43 1/2 .5 inches
R Thigh: 22 3/4 R Thigh: 24 1.25 inches
L Thigh: 22 3/4 L Thigh: 24 1.25 inches
R Calf: 14 3/4 R Calf: 15 .25 inches
L Calf: 14 3/4 L Calf: 15 .25 inches
Total Loss in inches:
6.5 inches!!! I can't believe it! I was very nervous about my measurements! I have been running a mile three days a week and cutting back on my calories. Calorie Count has really helped me with seeing how many kcals I consume each day. I am very happy with these results! I hope you all have a great coming week!
11/1/10 Measurements 10/4/10 Measurements Total Loss:
Neck: 13 Neck: 13 1/4 .25 inches
Chest: 40 Chest: 40 0
R Arm: 12 1/2 R Arm: 13 .5 inches
L Arm: 12 1/2 L Arm: 13 .5 inches
Waist: 45 1/4 Waist: 46 .75 inches
Hips: 43 Hips: 43 1/2 .5 inches
R Thigh: 22 3/4 R Thigh: 24 1.25 inches
L Thigh: 22 3/4 L Thigh: 24 1.25 inches
R Calf: 14 3/4 R Calf: 15 .25 inches
L Calf: 14 3/4 L Calf: 15 .25 inches
Total Loss in inches:
6.5 inches!!! I can't believe it! I was very nervous about my measurements! I have been running a mile three days a week and cutting back on my calories. Calorie Count has really helped me with seeing how many kcals I consume each day. I am very happy with these results! I hope you all have a great coming week!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Like Jocee, I too had a hard week. I found no motivation with a sick baby, a teetering on the edge maybe sick mommy, pure laziness, and my back going out to cause a lot of pain for a day. I did not work out as consistently as I would like. So, yesterday I looked up some articles to do with fitness.
This first article is exactly what I needed to hear. This second article made me realize that I have no excuse to not work out. So today, I prayed for strength and the resolve to get out of bed before my husband and baby girl work up. I did it and I actually felt alert. Then I warmed up, I didn't know what to do for a routine, so I just did what I learned in PE. Jump roping (I knew that before PE), push-ups, sit-ups, then I lifted some weights. Finally, I got to my biking routine. I worked hard and I feel great!
Now I just need to remember that feeling to get up early every day to be invigorated, alert, and ready to take on the day.
This first article is exactly what I needed to hear. This second article made me realize that I have no excuse to not work out. So today, I prayed for strength and the resolve to get out of bed before my husband and baby girl work up. I did it and I actually felt alert. Then I warmed up, I didn't know what to do for a routine, so I just did what I learned in PE. Jump roping (I knew that before PE), push-ups, sit-ups, then I lifted some weights. Finally, I got to my biking routine. I worked hard and I feel great!
Now I just need to remember that feeling to get up early every day to be invigorated, alert, and ready to take on the day.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Oh, what a week...
I have had such a hard time this week to get motivated to do anything. As I was telling my hubby last night, I just feel blahhhh. I don't want to run, I don't want to eat right, I just want to sleep and eat lots of sugar! I don't know what is causing this, because the last few weeks I've been so excited to do anything and to get moving. I would like to blame the change in the weather. On Monday when I went out to run, it was 27 degrees outside! Today, the high is supposed to be 60! I'm supposed to go run today, and I'd better get it done.
Well, I hope your week is going a little more pumped up then mine! Good luck! I hope you have a Happy Halloween!
Well, I hope your week is going a little more pumped up then mine! Good luck! I hope you have a Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, Week 4!
Can you believe it's been 4 weeks since I started this?!?!?! I saw that and thought "I'd better get my butt moving!". I'm really interested in seeing if I've made any progress on my journey. I've been trying to lose this weight, but I still struggle.
This weeks goal.... NO EATING AFTER 7 P.M.! I know, it can be hard. I find myself eating with Zorn when he gets home, but if I'm not careful, I can quickly go over my calorie intake for the day. (As I just finished eating a DQ Raspberry Truffle Blizzard). They say that the reason to not eat after 7 p.m. is because people have often eaten all their calories for that day. So, I'm going to put this into effect for me, starting tomorrow! I promise I will do this for the week. Please try this with me, and get back to me as to how you've done!
Oh, and my big HURRAH! I ran the full mile without stopping on Saturday! I was so proud of myself! I believe this week I am going to be upping my mile to a mile and a half. So we'll see how that goes!
Have a great week!
This weeks goal.... NO EATING AFTER 7 P.M.! I know, it can be hard. I find myself eating with Zorn when he gets home, but if I'm not careful, I can quickly go over my calorie intake for the day. (As I just finished eating a DQ Raspberry Truffle Blizzard). They say that the reason to not eat after 7 p.m. is because people have often eaten all their calories for that day. So, I'm going to put this into effect for me, starting tomorrow! I promise I will do this for the week. Please try this with me, and get back to me as to how you've done!
Oh, and my big HURRAH! I ran the full mile without stopping on Saturday! I was so proud of myself! I believe this week I am going to be upping my mile to a mile and a half. So we'll see how that goes!
Have a great week!
Friday, October 22, 2010
A little late in my Thursday posting!
Wow, I really did mean to post yesterday, and my day just kind of slipped away!
My biggest HURRAH for the week... On Monday I went to run my usual mile. I usually have to walk a lap and then run a lap, etc... well, Monday, I ran two full laps without stopping! I was so proud of myself. I know for most people that doesn't sound like much, but for me it was a pretty big freakin' deal! Well, yesterday, I went to run my mile and thought how proud I was for running the two laps without stopping, and I gave myself a challenge to make it three laps without stopping.... I DID IT! I was so excited! But, when it came time to run my final lap to make it my mile, my legs did not want to budge, and I almost gave up, but I knew I had to do my mile.
I have actually been looking forward to my runs. It's weird, because I absolutely HATE running! I'm not very fast, and get quite bored when I'm running because it takes me so long to get past anything! Well, for some reason, I've been enjoying listening to my music and just not thinking about anything. I usually go to our High School here and run around their track. It's convenient, and free, and I can take my kids if I need to and let them run while I push my baby in the stroller.
Well, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
My biggest HURRAH for the week... On Monday I went to run my usual mile. I usually have to walk a lap and then run a lap, etc... well, Monday, I ran two full laps without stopping! I was so proud of myself. I know for most people that doesn't sound like much, but for me it was a pretty big freakin' deal! Well, yesterday, I went to run my mile and thought how proud I was for running the two laps without stopping, and I gave myself a challenge to make it three laps without stopping.... I DID IT! I was so excited! But, when it came time to run my final lap to make it my mile, my legs did not want to budge, and I almost gave up, but I knew I had to do my mile.
I have actually been looking forward to my runs. It's weird, because I absolutely HATE running! I'm not very fast, and get quite bored when I'm running because it takes me so long to get past anything! Well, for some reason, I've been enjoying listening to my music and just not thinking about anything. I usually go to our High School here and run around their track. It's convenient, and free, and I can take my kids if I need to and let them run while I push my baby in the stroller.
Well, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Hiked!
I did it! I hiked up a mountain and almost the whole way! I had thoughts of my imminent death as I slowly, but consistently worked my way straight up to my goal. The 'Y' on a mountainside in Provo, Utah. Regretfully, and somewhat thankfully, I did not get to the 'Y.' My baby bear, that was strapped to my back, threw up on the both of us, so we made a hasty retreat down the mountain.
![]() |
Thanks www.heraldextra.com. |
I am thinking of starting a once-a-month hike. Though the hike will not include scaling a mountain, until I feel ready for it. But, even today's adventure helped me to feel as if my muscles are three times larger and that I lost 5 pounds in sweat and shaking. Um yeah, I think I'll stick to my exercise bike or kick boxing for the rest of the week.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oh, Monday... Week 3!
I was talking to my sister about things that remind us of this time of year. My son asked me the other day to make a Halloween dessert that I had made last year and thought it would be fun to do as a annual Halloween dessert. (I'm not going to post it because I don't think it's very healthy). But with that, I was brought to my Mom's favorite treat to make during Fall. It is a pumpkin cake that has raisins and homemade cream cheese frosting. It's my favorite! We were discussing how foods can bring you back to a time in your life. So many occasions we have this time of year with so much food. We live in a world that has evolved our holidays to food and candy! It's funny to think about how many party's we go to that are all around food. I know I don't have a party without making treats. In fact, most Sundays I make a sugar snack just to have in case people come over or to take as a treat to someone else.
On a side note, I did go running on Saturday. I was only able to make it running 2 laps and a half, and I walked the same amount. I think Sunday's should be a day of rest, so I didn't do any exercising. I am surprised at how much I think about exercising now. We just found out that my family is moving to Las Vegas, and I've already decided to join a gym!
On a side note, I did go running on Saturday. I was only able to make it running 2 laps and a half, and I walked the same amount. I think Sunday's should be a day of rest, so I didn't do any exercising. I am surprised at how much I think about exercising now. We just found out that my family is moving to Las Vegas, and I've already decided to join a gym!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Steep Hill
I have biked each day this week. I bike for 30 minutes. The highest level a 10 and with many hills. I like to watch my RPMs: 60 or above and my Calories: 200 and above. My average has been 230 calories each bike ride. I love the riding. It wakes me up in the morning. I am sweaty. I push myself. I feel good.
I like to 'change up' my work out routine. If I feel like a change I use a Fat-Burning Kickboxing movie I have and love. (I watched a lot of work out videos. They are not created equally. This one doesn't grate on one's nerves, or confidence). I go jogging, occasionally. I am thinking of bringing out the jump rope.
In the food department, I am trying to eat less. I eat until I feel that 'slightly full' sensation. I stop eating immediately. Leaving the rest of the food for my husband to finish. (What a good deed!) I feel good for not gorging myself. I also feel good about the service I am doing for my hubby :)
I feel great this week! I am looking forward to a hike this weekend. I'll let you know about it.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Calorie Counting
I have been introduce to a new website for calorie counting. I just enrolled yesterday (it's free) and am impressed with what's available to users. I know that the only way I'm going to lose this weight, is with counting my calories. Sometimes, I don't like to know what I'm taking in- I figure, ignorance is bliss! But, with all kidding aside, this website has been pretty easy to use:
I'm not getting paid to promote them, or anything like that. I'm just suggesting something that I'm trying.
Good news, I have gone running twice this week. Boy, am I feeling it! I tried to run a full mile, but ended up just running 1/2 a mile and walking 3/4. I am going to use the track so that I can walk a lap and run a lap.
I hope you're all keeping on track!
I'm not getting paid to promote them, or anything like that. I'm just suggesting something that I'm trying.
Good news, I have gone running twice this week. Boy, am I feeling it! I tried to run a full mile, but ended up just running 1/2 a mile and walking 3/4. I am going to use the track so that I can walk a lap and run a lap.
I hope you're all keeping on track!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Week 2... and a new member!
I didn't do to well over the weekend. I didn't exercise much, although I did try to take the stairs instead of using the elevator. I tried to watch what I ate, but I didn't eat the healthiest. It was my son's birthday, so I had pizza and cake one night. The next night I had my favorite food, Pork burrito from Cafe Rio... This week I will try to do better. I did work out Monday through Thursday, so at least I did that.
This week I'd like to challenge you all to change your sweet snacks to healthy snacks. I have tried to do this challenge this last week. I bought a bag of carrots and celery, and as soon as I had a few minutes, I cut them all up into sticks to snack on. My kids were very excited about this and have been eating them as well. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE my sweets, but at least I feel that I'm teaching my kids to eat healthy.
I'm so excited to be having Megan come on and do this challenge with us as well. Megan and I are cousins (she's Malea's sister) and we've always been friends. I'll let her do a introduction of herself and what she's like to get out of this.
P.S. I will be posting every Monday and Thursday, and I will try to issue a challenge on one of these days. Malea and Megan will be posting on other days then these.
This week I'd like to challenge you all to change your sweet snacks to healthy snacks. I have tried to do this challenge this last week. I bought a bag of carrots and celery, and as soon as I had a few minutes, I cut them all up into sticks to snack on. My kids were very excited about this and have been eating them as well. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE my sweets, but at least I feel that I'm teaching my kids to eat healthy.
I'm so excited to be having Megan come on and do this challenge with us as well. Megan and I are cousins (she's Malea's sister) and we've always been friends. I'll let her do a introduction of herself and what she's like to get out of this.
P.S. I will be posting every Monday and Thursday, and I will try to issue a challenge on one of these days. Malea and Megan will be posting on other days then these.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hi! I am Malea. I am a mother of one girl who is 8 months old. In my past, and present, I have struggled with the 'weight issue.' I was told as a youngster that I was just 'big boned.' Yet, when I played volleyball in high school I soon found that I could look good. I could be in shape. I could love my body.
Before I was married, my sister, mom, and I worked with a personal trainer. Since my volleyball days, that was the best shape I have been in. I felt good. I did not crave sweets. I craved fruit and healthy food. I was fitting into a size 6. I realized that I had always imagined my body bloated and huge, when in reality, I wasn't. I received compliments at work, I had to cinch up my 'big pants.' It was a glorious feeling. Then I was married and shortly thereafter, pregnant. I gained a literal, ton. Returning to my prior negative about my body-type self. I also dealt with, and am still dealing with post-partum depression. I went to visit my doctor about it. He said I could take meds, or get off of lots of heavy carbs (bread/pasta) and work out. He said the effects of the pill would take a month or two to kick in. To work out and cut down on carbs? Maybe a few weeks. I opted for the lifestyle change. When I work out, it is not only for my shape and image. It is also for my hormonal/mental health.
Now-a-days, I am still packing that after birth weight. I work out almost every day (not yesterday, Saturdays or Sundays) yet I have not seen any improvement. So when I saw Jocee putting herself out there, I felt the drive to do the same. I need to know my numbers so I can see improvement. So I will be motivated to push harder when I work out. I realize that just like 'anyone can cook,' anyone can get in shape. Therefore, I am resolved to lose.
Here is a song I listened to while jogging that I liked to think about in terms of 'inch loss.' A tribute for all you Nick Lachey fans. My resolution: "I'm letting go (of all this weight). All I need to learn is down this road. I just want to be the best woman I can be. Breathe. That's my resolution." Listen here and enjoy.
My measurements:
Neck: 12.5"
Chest: 39"
Waist: 37.5"
L Arm: 14.5"
R Arm: 14.5"
Hips: 40"
L Leg: 23"
R Leg: 24"
L Calf: 16"
R Calf: 16"
My methods: Whenever I feel fat - work out.
Employ the following work out routines: bike and weights, jogging, kick boxing, and/or jump roping for at least half an hour each day (excluding Sundays).
Before I was married, my sister, mom, and I worked with a personal trainer. Since my volleyball days, that was the best shape I have been in. I felt good. I did not crave sweets. I craved fruit and healthy food. I was fitting into a size 6. I realized that I had always imagined my body bloated and huge, when in reality, I wasn't. I received compliments at work, I had to cinch up my 'big pants.' It was a glorious feeling. Then I was married and shortly thereafter, pregnant. I gained a literal, ton. Returning to my prior negative about my body-type self. I also dealt with, and am still dealing with post-partum depression. I went to visit my doctor about it. He said I could take meds, or get off of lots of heavy carbs (bread/pasta) and work out. He said the effects of the pill would take a month or two to kick in. To work out and cut down on carbs? Maybe a few weeks. I opted for the lifestyle change. When I work out, it is not only for my shape and image. It is also for my hormonal/mental health.
Now-a-days, I am still packing that after birth weight. I work out almost every day (not yesterday, Saturdays or Sundays) yet I have not seen any improvement. So when I saw Jocee putting herself out there, I felt the drive to do the same. I need to know my numbers so I can see improvement. So I will be motivated to push harder when I work out. I realize that just like 'anyone can cook,' anyone can get in shape. Therefore, I am resolved to lose.
Here is a song I listened to while jogging that I liked to think about in terms of 'inch loss.' A tribute for all you Nick Lachey fans. My resolution: "I'm letting go (of all this weight). All I need to learn is down this road. I just want to be the best woman I can be. Breathe. That's my resolution." Listen here and enjoy.
My goals: Reach size 8 pants (fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes with ease-I didn't buy many size 6 clothes as I wasn't that size for too long).
Get rid of bubbling over belly fat.
To crave fruit and to feel 'in shape' instead of like a log.
Have non-bulging arms.
Before when I realized that I looked good. |
Now where I feel "blah." |
My measurements:
Neck: 12.5"
Chest: 39"
Waist: 37.5"
L Arm: 14.5"
R Arm: 14.5"
Hips: 40"
L Leg: 23"
R Leg: 24"
L Calf: 16"
R Calf: 16"
My methods: Whenever I feel fat - work out.
Employ the following work out routines: bike and weights, jogging, kick boxing, and/or jump roping for at least half an hour each day (excluding Sundays).
Monday, October 4, 2010
My measurements....
I totally slacked with getting my measurements in, so I will do it today. Also, I would like to welcome Malea to my program! I'm so excited to have someone else do it with me, and put it out there.
Neck: 13.25"
Chest: 40"
Waist:: 46"
L Arm: 13"
R Arm: 13"
Hips: 43 1/2"
L Thigh: 24"
R Thigh: 24"
L Calf: 15"
R Calf: 15"
I Hate these measurements!!! What the crap! When did I get this big?!
Here's to losing it!
Neck: 13.25"
Chest: 40"
Waist:: 46"
L Arm: 13"
R Arm: 13"
Hips: 43 1/2"
L Thigh: 24"
R Thigh: 24"
L Calf: 15"
R Calf: 15"
I Hate these measurements!!! What the crap! When did I get this big?!
Here's to losing it!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 2 and 3...
My favorite meal, I think it's healthy... it sounds like it is anways:
1 Yellow Squash, cut into any size you like (I do just bite size)
1 Zucchini, also cut into any size you like
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1/2 red onion, diced
1 serving size of pasta, I prefer linguine
Cook pasta according to directions. Combine squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and red onion. Cook until squash and zucchini are tender. Serve over pasta with some Parmesan cheese.
This weekend I am heading up to Salt Lake, so I know I wont be able to exercise, but I will try and go walking while I'm there. Also, tomorrow I will be taking my measurements, and yes, I will be posting them. NO judging me, please!!! =)
Please, if you'd like to do this with me, please let me know! I would love other people to get involved too!
1 Yellow Squash, cut into any size you like (I do just bite size)
1 Zucchini, also cut into any size you like
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1/2 red onion, diced
1 serving size of pasta, I prefer linguine
Cook pasta according to directions. Combine squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and red onion. Cook until squash and zucchini are tender. Serve over pasta with some Parmesan cheese.
This weekend I am heading up to Salt Lake, so I know I wont be able to exercise, but I will try and go walking while I'm there. Also, tomorrow I will be taking my measurements, and yes, I will be posting them. NO judging me, please!!! =)
Please, if you'd like to do this with me, please let me know! I would love other people to get involved too!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 1....
I debated starting this blog. It's hard for me to let people know my weaknesses. I don't like it. But, after speaking with my sister, I need to do something to encourage not only me, but others like me, who struggle losing weight. A little background on me....
I am #2 of of family of 5. I have always been involved in sports, honestly, for as long as I can remember. I love to play basketball.
I am married to Zorn. We've been married for 8 years. I have Brejden, who is almost 5, Amilya, who is 3, and Cartr who is 10 months. I stay at home with them while my husband works. Sometimes, I wish I had a job that I could leave. I love my children, but I struggle, as does any mother.
My mom, Julie, passed away almost 3 years ago. I miss her terribly. But, with that, you should know that a lot of my problems come from her. I'm not doing this to make her look bad, but just to tell you the truth. My mom loved to eat. I was always embarrassed by her weight. She gained weight after her mother passes away unexpectedly. She was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 14. The doctor told her he had never seen anyone gain weight on chemo, until he met her. She was very active when I was younger, but she had to work and it took its toll on her body (as did having 5 kids). She beat cancer and started to get better. I got married, and we started working out together. When I was 21, she started getting a cough. We thought it was asthma (3 out of the 5 kids have asthma). The cough didn't get any better. I got pregnant, and we found out my mom's cancer was back. After giving birth to Brejden, I became a stay at home mom, and took care of my sick mom. Three days after Brejden's first birthday, I found out I was pregnant. It was very unexpected! Amilya was born when Brejden was 19 months old! I lost all my pregnancy weight and was looking good. On October 17, 2007, my mom passed away due to her cancer. I was devastated. She had become my best friend. I turned to eating to deal with the pain.
I know am a size 13/14, but was a size 8/9, when she died. Surprisingly, I have actually lost weight this year.
I am #2 of of family of 5. I have always been involved in sports, honestly, for as long as I can remember. I love to play basketball.
I am married to Zorn. We've been married for 8 years. I have Brejden, who is almost 5, Amilya, who is 3, and Cartr who is 10 months. I stay at home with them while my husband works. Sometimes, I wish I had a job that I could leave. I love my children, but I struggle, as does any mother.
My mom, Julie, passed away almost 3 years ago. I miss her terribly. But, with that, you should know that a lot of my problems come from her. I'm not doing this to make her look bad, but just to tell you the truth. My mom loved to eat. I was always embarrassed by her weight. She gained weight after her mother passes away unexpectedly. She was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 14. The doctor told her he had never seen anyone gain weight on chemo, until he met her. She was very active when I was younger, but she had to work and it took its toll on her body (as did having 5 kids). She beat cancer and started to get better. I got married, and we started working out together. When I was 21, she started getting a cough. We thought it was asthma (3 out of the 5 kids have asthma). The cough didn't get any better. I got pregnant, and we found out my mom's cancer was back. After giving birth to Brejden, I became a stay at home mom, and took care of my sick mom. Three days after Brejden's first birthday, I found out I was pregnant. It was very unexpected! Amilya was born when Brejden was 19 months old! I lost all my pregnancy weight and was looking good. On October 17, 2007, my mom passed away due to her cancer. I was devastated. She had become my best friend. I turned to eating to deal with the pain.
I know am a size 13/14, but was a size 8/9, when she died. Surprisingly, I have actually lost weight this year.
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