I was talking to my sister about things that remind us of this time of year. My son asked me the other day to make a Halloween dessert that I had made last year and thought it would be fun to do as a annual Halloween dessert. (I'm not going to post it because I don't think it's very healthy). But with that, I was brought to my Mom's favorite treat to make during Fall. It is a pumpkin cake that has raisins and homemade cream cheese frosting. It's my favorite! We were discussing how foods can bring you back to a time in your life. So many occasions we have this time of year with so much food. We live in a world that has evolved our holidays to food and candy! It's funny to think about how many party's we go to that are all around food. I know I don't have a party without making treats. In fact, most Sundays I make a sugar snack just to have in case people come over or to take as a treat to someone else.
On a side note, I did go running on Saturday. I was only able to make it running 2 laps and a half, and I walked the same amount. I think Sunday's should be a day of rest, so I didn't do any exercising. I am surprised at how much I think about exercising now. We just found out that my family is moving to Las Vegas, and I've already decided to join a gym!
this time of year really IS all about the treats! i applaud you in your efforts to NOT eat the sweets!! :) good luck!