Where did I go?

Having kids, stress, and life changes make some of us gain weight. This is our blog to feeling better about ourselves! It's not an easy road we are heading down, so this is for support. We are beautiful women, just lost somewhere inside of our bodies that have gotten bigger, much to our dismay. We CAN do this!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Back to my blog

Oh life has been so crazy! Since my last post, so much has happened, including:
  1. We moved back to Utah! My husband decided to return to school.
  2. I got a job... I have been a stay at home mom since 2005 and in order to help my husband go back to school, I got a full time job.
  3. We moved in with my in laws (I think that speaks for itself).
So much more seems to have happened, but I wont bore you with all the little things. But, the great news is, I'm back to working on my blog. It has been way to long since I last posted. I hope I haven't lost too many of my supporters. Here is to going back to the gym!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Updated Measurements

So I had my measurements done yesterday. I am really excited about these and can't believe how much progress I have made. I really wish I had been better about taking pictures of my changes. So here it is...

May 10,2012

July 3,2012

Total Loss






13 R, 12.5 L

14 R, 13.5 L

Gained some definition!!










20.5 R, 20 L

19.5 R, 19L

1 on each


15.5 R & L

15 R & L

.5 on each

So I dropped a full cup size (my husband is not very happy about it), but I dropped everywhere! I had to take two weeks off due to a sinus/respiratory infection, so not too shabby! I am really so excited to see such great results! I even dropped 2% body fat!
These will be my last measurements by my favorite person, Hollie. We will be moving back to St. George in the next few weeks. Which is part of the reason why I have been such a slacker on posts. Crazy busy trying to get ready to move back to our home town. And by crazy busy, I have been applying for a job and reading when I should be getting other stuff done! Well, I will post again once I get established back in Sunny St. George! We will be finding a gym there, my husband is very proud of my loss and wants me to be able to continue it. I am even wearing clothes that I haven't been able to wear in more then four years! It is amazing!! How are you all doing?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So I have been going to the gym now since February. I make it there at least 3 days a week, sometimes 5.  It has become part of our routine and if I don't make it, I am very grumpy!
So I had my measurements done about 2 weeks ago. I can't find my paper with the exact measurements, but I have what I lost. These are just from 6 weeks earlier, not total.
 Down 2 inches on my belly.
 Down 4 inches on my hips (which explains why I dropped 2 pants sizes!)
 These are the only ones I can remember off the top my head.
I love my gym, my trainer, the friends I have made there. I only have June and July left before we move and I no longer get to go to this gym. I have never been so happy with a gym! If you live in Las Vegas/Henderson I highly recommend Club Sport! My trainer gives me lots of new workouts and is willing to make sure I am doing a workout correct (I don't pay her anymore)!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why are we so mean?

 Why is it that we are always the hardest on ourselves? My older sister and I were discussing depression and how we expect ourselves to be a certain way and that we often listen to the voices in our heads. I am very guilty of it! I find myself listening to those voices more and more. They aren't nices voices, they aren't kind voices, they are mean. I know that I would NEVER speak to someone else, the way I speak to myself. Why are we okay with it?
 I really like Pink's music and thought this song was very fitting. I have to remind myself that I am better then what the voices in my head are saying. It's rough, it's tough, but it must be done!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teaching by doing

Our church put on a 5k and Fun Run this last Saturday. I had decided to do the one mile fun run and to take the kids along with me. We were all pretty excited to be doing this. I was excited for the chance to do something physically fit with them, and they were excited to be in something.
So we showed up an hour early to the race so we could make sure we got our numbers and were ready to go.
Us as we were waiting for the parade to start (Cartr wouldn't sit still long enough to be in a picture with us)!
We started the race and tried to keep up with the crowd, but I knew it wouldn't last long. We followed the path and I saw a sign for the Mile and thought we were supposed to keep going after that. Brejden had gone off with a friend and was way ahead of us. Mily and I kept taking turns pushing Cartr in his umbrella stroller. We are weaving in and out of houses and I am totally lost as to where the church was, and where we were....
Mily was getting tired, it was getting hot, and I kept thinking that this was the world's longest mile. I ended up putting Mily on my back for a little bit, while I tried to push Cartr. Then we moved her to my shoulders because it wasn't comfortable for her on my back. So here I am, lost, walking in the hot sun (it was about 90 degrees outside by this time..I think) and we are walking. I had people passing me that were doing the 10k and telling me I was the winner.
We finally catch up to some friends and Brejden and they tell me that I was supposed to turn around at the one mile sign, and that I had continued on to the 5k or more.
We finally made it back to the church, hot, sweaty, and tired.
It was fun teaching my children the importance of exercise. I feel the best way to teach, is by doing. I'm proud of my kids, they did awesome! Cartr even got out of the stroller and ran for a bit.
As you can see, my face is VERY red! My kids are definitely mine with their red faces!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My new workout buddies!

My trainer used these in one of my sessions with her, and I became in love with them!
There are so many uses for them. They "ski" across the floor. It is a great core workout! I do lunges with them, or push ups with them either under my feet or hands.
I did pay quite a bit of money for them, but couldn't find a cheaper substitute. My trainer said you could use paper plates for them, but they don't slide as well and they wear out.
 Today and did lunges with 5lb weights in my hands and did arm workouts while in the middle of my lunge. So I worked out my butt, arms and abs!
 Just thought I'd share with you all!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Made my day

Today while I was working out on my routine, I had two older ladies stop me and tell me how proud they were of me. They were impressed by how hard I have been working (I see them most days at the gym) and they could really see progress. They asked me how much I had lost and told me they could see it through my face and neck most.
 I have to say, I was having a rough time this week getting back into working out and having the drive, and they really helped me. I did up my exertion and felt good.
 I know I have lost, because my clothes are starting to fit differently, I got my measurements, and I can go down the slide at the playground without getting my butt/hips stuck. I have also noticed how much easier it is doing my routines at the gym. I feel stronger and more attractive. I can't wait to go to the gym tomorrow!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weigh In!!

Okay, I have been going to the gym now for 6 weeks. Today was the BIG day and we did my measurements today! I have been attending the gym 5 days a week for an hour and half to two hours everyday. I do an hour of weight training and and hour of cardio. So.....
My weight did not change, but I'm okay with that. I know that muscle weighs more then fat, so it's acceptable (for now)!
  • Body fat (% body weight) 38.4 to 36
  • Chest (mm) 29 to 27.8
  • Mid axillary skin fold (back fat) (mm) 28.4 to 25.7
  • Triceps skin fold (mm) 39.1 to 32.5
  • Thigh skin fold (mm) 41.9 to 37.8
  • Supra ilium Skin fold (mm) (hip) 39.4 to 36.0
  • (These are only the ones I could figure out where they were.)
  • Total! 23.1 mm!!!!
So excited for the results! I got some new workouts to mix it up a little bit, because I do have a tendency to get bored. How are you guys doing?

Saturday, March 10, 2012


So many times in the past, I have "rewarded" myself with a cookie or some other goody. I know, it takes way the whole purpose of having done the workout, but you do what you are taught. There are many times that my mom would take us to get an ice cream or other treat. I am trying to change the cycle, and they way my brain works with food.
 So today, since I did really good at the gym this week, I am going to reward myself. Today I am going to do 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio. Then, I am going to take my book, put on my swimming suit, and go sit by the pool while I read for an hour or so. I am really so excited to be able to do this! While the other swimmers may not appreciate me in my swimming suite, that's just too dang bad.
 Well, I hope you all have a great weekend. Here's to day 5 going to the gym this week!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trying new things

Today I had the chance to try out a new class. I signed up for a gym (one that has an awesome child care) and I took advantage of going to a class. I thought boot camp sounded like a fun workout and figured it was only 60 minutes anyways. Well, I got the nerve up and went to the camp. It wasn't until after I showed up that I found out that on Wednesdays, the class is 90 minutes. By then I had committed and was mentally prepared to do the class. I had some awesome ladies talking me through the class and giving me encouragement the whole time. It kicked my butt! My arms are so tired, that to shave, I had to prop my arms up on the shower wall!!!
 I was not doing well with exercising for the last few months and am excited about my gym membership. I now have no excuses to not exercise, because the child care is included and I can go for up to 3 hours a day. I had been using the reason of me not exercising is Zorn's schedule was crazy and I didn't like to run when it was dark here. Also, Cartr has learned to escape and we were both afraid that if I left the door unlocked, he'd get out of the front door.
 So no more excuses! I am excited about the gym and have been really enjoying being sore! As crazy as that sounds, I like that I worked out and hurt. I'm crazy, I know!!
 So, do you prefer a gym or working out on your own at home?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fear of knowing what's coming!!

So I went to the gym today, for the first time since the day I went into labor with B. (He turned 6 in October)! I have decided to join a gym. After a year of being in Las Vegas, I have decided to make the leap! I used to go to the gym 5 days a week, but when I had my son, I had to choose between being a stay at home mom, and a gym membership.
 I had been running, but because of my husband's work schedule, I wasn't finding time to get in a run. I couldn't leave my 2 year old while I went running, and wasn't willing to get up at 4 am to go. We came to the conclusion that in order for me to be able to workout, I needed to start going to the gym and with a childcare attached to it. So excited for this!!
 Well, I pushed myself so hard (my competitiveness coming through) that I almost threw up. (For me, the sign of a good workout!) I am so tired already, I am afraid of what is coming tomorrow!! Here's to a new lifestyle!
Pinned Image

Thursday, January 26, 2012

When food is the addiction

I found this article on http://www.ksl.com/. I found it was very interesting and thought I'd share it with all of you.
What do you think about this article?
When food is the addiction
By Roger Stark, ksl.com Contributor
As an addiction counselor, I frequently meet with skepticism when I refer to food addictions. “How can food be an addiction? Don't we have to eat?” people ask. Well, yes. From our earliest moments of life, we eat and find comfort and nurturing in process the doing of it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get the process all fouled up.
Stephanie Brown, Ph.D., defines addiction as, “The inability to predictably and consistently stop drinking, using drugs, eating, gambling, acting out sexually or other behaviors once started.” She continues with the statement, "Addiction can occur in what ever generates significant mood alteration."
From our mother’s breast forward, eating fulfills a need and brings satisfaction, nurturing and comfort. As we age, we have the opportunity to explore the pleasures our palate can provide, thus enhancing the pleasure and mood-altering ability of eating.
The problem occurs when we move from self-nurturing to self-indulgence to compulsion. As Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., notes, “We may learn that, as a result of poor food choices or binge eating, we’ve developed diabetes or heart disease.”

When eating becomes compulsive, we really begin to have problems. At this point when difficult feelings present themselves, our urge to eat is stronger than our will to say no. Even if we have decided to "do better," our decision process is compromised.
Brown points out that the problem begins with with the process psychologists call "conditioning." By repeatedly feeling relief from difficult feelings through the nurturing effect of food, “an emotional attachment, or relationship, if you will,” is formed, “an emotional bond to … food ... that becomes a compulsive attachment.”
When eating becomes compulsive, we really begin to have problems. At this point when difficult feelings present themselves, our urge to eat is stronger than our will to say no. Even if we have decided to “do better,” our decision process is compromised and we are on the self-indulgence side of the equation. We will eat, not because we are hungry or need to, but simply because we feel compelled to.
It is a battle we will not win without making some changes. The emotional bond between difficult feelings and food overpowers us and must be extinguished if we want freedom from the compulsion. Since the bond was created over time and has possibly been practiced for many years, it's not a simple process — especially if we happen to have some of the addictive personality traits.
The long-term solution is learning to make good food decisions and re- conditioning, but that doesn’t happen instantly, and usually can't be accomplished without changes and some help.
Reversing the equation is the goal. We look for things that will raise our will and lower our urge so that we can write the equation as: The will to say no is greater than our urge to eat.
Here's how:
Mental Health and Food Addiction
People who are addicted to food tend to display many of the characteristics of addicts and alcoholics. Food addicts develop a physical, mental, emotional craving and chemical addiction to food. The characteristics of food addicts can include:
  • Being obsessed and/or preoccupied with food.
  • Having a lack of self-control when it comes to food.
  • Having a compulsion about food in which eating results in a cycle of bingeing despite negative consequences.
  • Remembering a sense of pleasure and/or comfort with food and being unable to stop using food to create a sense of pleasure and comfort.
  • Having a need to eat which results in a physical craving.
Only the food addict can determine whether there is food addiction. The following are questions that potential food addicts may ask themselves:
  • Have I tried but failed to control my eating?
  • Do I find myself hiding food or secretly bingeing?
  • Do I have feelings of guilt or remorse after eating?
  • Do I eat because of emotions?
  • Is my weight affecting my way of life?
Food addicts also may have symptoms including headaches, insomnia, irritability, mood changes, and depression. Source: WebMD.
  1. Structure is where we begin. Taking the decision out of our hands is a good way to stop making bad food decisions. That can be accomplished with structure. Plan the day's eating in detail before it happens. If you don’t have a choice, you won’t make a bad one.
    This isn’t a life-long commitment; the goal is to learn to make good food decisions. That's why reworking our urge/will equation is a priority, but a “time-out” from decision making can create a safe haven, a more controlled environment, where that change can occur.
    Food planning is a key component of the many weight loss programs on the market; Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and others all provide easy ways to plan food intake. These types of programs have a lot of benefits. One participant, Terryl, said, “One of the main things I got out of my Weight Watchers involvement was learning portion size: How to feel full and not deprived, and most importantly how to not over eat.”
  2. Reframe your attitude about dieting. So many people spend a lot of emotional capitol lamenting what they are “losing” by going on a diet — the deprivation of it all. That regret or sense of loss stimulates resentment and other difficult feelings that, in turn, fuel our urge to eat. If we can eliminate the difficult feelings, we can diminish the urge substantially.
    Focus instead on what you are gaining: a healthy new part of your lifestyle. Improved health, greater energy, improved self-esteem can all be by- products of a switch to healthy eating. There is much to celebrate!
  3. Learn new eating skills. During this decision making “time-out” period, educate yourself about what a healthy eating lifestyle looks like. Learn about nutrition, appropriate potion size or perhaps new cooking skills for eating in a healthier way. Educate yourself so that you can maintain the weight loss you achieve.
  4. Righting the equation: Raising the will and diminishing the urge. There are a number of things that can help us raise our will to say “no” to the inappropriate urge to eat. One is accountability. Joining a program that holds us accountable by weigh-ins can be very helpful. When the urge arises to go off our planned menu for the day, we can dispute that urge with the statement, “I could eat that, but I have a weigh-in tomorrow. I know I am down a couple of pounds and I don’t want to mess that up.”
    Helpful support is another way of raising our will. Self help groups like Overeaters Anonymous provide safe, confidential, non-judgmental sources of understanding. They also provide a forum for venting difficult feelings and are a source of encouragement and support that strengthens participants.
    Weight loss buddies can also be a great resource. Finding a partner with similar goals can provide a safe haven to vent frustrations and struggles and provide encouragement. Sometimes a telephone call when we are feeling tempted to go off diet can suck the life right out of an urge.
  5. Disputing urges is a great skill for diminishing their power. In addiction recovery, we learn that all urges have a beginning, middle and an end. Sometimes we can out live them by just ignoring them. Other times we can challenge them with good disputations that put them in their place. “Yes, in my old days, I would eat all of that chocolate cake, but I am doing things differently now and I really like the results. That cake isn’t worth giving up how well I am doing.”
Don’t be discouraged by your slips. This is a process, not an event, and it takes time to accomplish. Consistent effort and resilience will see you through to new, healthy eating habits.

In the process of recovering from addiction Roger became a licensed addiction counselor and wrote the LDS recovery guide, “The Waterfall Concept, A blueprint for addiction recovery.” He blogs at his recovery website www.waterfallconcept.org.